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About Home/Garden Decorator

Searching for a way to connect with the booming US home and garden market without starting from scratch? Home and Garden Decorator is your best option.. The US market is projected to grow beyond $1 trillion by 2025. Your readers want to know how to make the best choices and your advertisers want to get in on the action. Home and Garden Decorator is packed with articles and features that address remodeling, decorating, real estate, cleaning, organizing and DIY projects. Every issue contains delicious recipes and new product reviews. 

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Home & Garden Decorator magazine

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Advertisers will find editorial that supports their products. As with all of Fox pre-designed publications, H&GD is printed in full color on bright-white glossy paper with page counts and quantities that meet every publisher’s requirement.


Fox Publishing

For more information, please contact Suzanne Fox, 985-951-2270, ext 1002 or email sfox@igofox.com